What exactly is in the collection you may ask? The answer: ideas.
A mysterious Curator invites you to her biggest event yet: The Incomplete Collection, where the art comes alive. The full gallery show takes place at Culture Lab LIC. But remember, what is on display here are no mere works of art but ideas - incomplete ideas to be precise - that are looking for just the right humans to complete them. Will you be one of the lucky few to get a chance to trade for these precious commodities? Will you become inspired yourself? Will you discover the secrets lurking at the heart of the collection and its mysterious Curator? Come unleash your inner artist and find out.
The Curator wishes to make clear that this gallery showing will be highly interactive. Your time in the gallery will also depend on what tier of ticket you buy and can last anywhere from 50 minutes to 2 hours. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early for your scheduled entry into the gallery, and note that if you arrive more than 5 minutes late, you may not be granted entry into the collection. For any questions or concerns about the content of the collection, feel free to contact the brokers at linkeddancetheatre@gmail.com.
Conceived by Jordan Chlapecka, Lydia Kapp, and Kendra Slack
Written by Lydia Kapp
Additional Text contributed By the performers and Production Team
Produced in Collaboration with Culture LaB LIC
Rita McCann - The Curator
Maya Gonzalez - The Apology
Matt Engle - The Insult
Jordan Chlapecka - The Escape Plan
Shan Y. Chuang - The Love Song
Carter - The Blessing
Charly Wenzel - The Bad Idea
Kwame Lily - Understudy for The Apology and The Blessing
Directed by Kendra Slack
Assistant Direction by Edward Mylechreest
Production Design by Jordan Chlapecka
Assistant Production Design by Noah Dunlap
Construction by Noah Dunlap, Monte Weber, Andrew mercado
Lighting Design By Drew Florida
Movement by The Company
Music by Brendan Littlefield
Culture Lab LIC is a 501(c)(3) formed to be the arts and culture umbrella for Western Queens. Culture Lab presents local, national, and international art of all genres, while supporting New York artists and other nonprofits by providing space, resources and a sense of community. Operating out of a 12,000 square foot converted warehouse, Culture Lab LIC hosts two fine art galleries, an 80 seat theater, classroom space, an 18,000 square foot outdoor venue, and a robust residency program. Culture Lab LIC is dedicated to upholding, equity, diversity and inclusion across all our platforms. Learn more at www.culturelablic.org.